Notice that I hasn't been updating about my school days. Know, it had always been as excruciating. And all my off days are dedicated to driving & fyp. Suck max. And yes, I'm actually in the midst of my driving practical and am helluva mad at my instructor because he shout at me always whenever I miss the biting point! I'm like fuckyou la old hag, but that's what I'm thinking in my head onlyyyyyyyyyyyy. HAHAHA. Because I don't wanna pay another damned 50 bucks for some organization shit thing just because I quarrel or fall out with that old man.
you know I can't hold my anger(if you don't, now you do lol!) but I holddddddddddddd ittttttttttt backkkkkkkk! And now I hate every single practical lesson!!!! If it ain't for my liscense..... I wouldn't pay to get scolded! Roar $,$
I forgot I wanted to blog on something about the vacation. It's nearing, 1 more day of school!
I'm going to Indonesia with baby & family this week. Errrr yeah to Indonesia only haha! Meanwhile baby's parents are planning for the trip to Taiwan already, hope my parents will agree to it heehee.
Okay I'm a real busy woman now cause I've to wash my hair extensions now it look like some dried weed, then to pack some stuffs and tidy up my bag.

Dearest Cherie~

I love this photo!

Baby, Andy, Darren, Jerold, Rayson

Gabriel and Jacqueline.

Rayson and Cherie!

Two of these knock me out, lol!

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