Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shifting out from blogspot soon!

I like this picture (Y) x 8273273648 cause there's a lamp post at the back and I'mma make this my banner! And I thought short hair ain't that bad either. Extensions are so costly and I couldn't even wash my scalp:(((((( When will I get my long hair back again, 2 years?  (。-_-。)

I wanna put on weight so badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll eat on purpose before I sleep every night you know! I'm trying reaaaal hard that I even thought taking of weight gainer. (; ̄ェ ̄)The main reason for putting on weight is that I ABHOR.TO.THE.MAX when people say that I'm very skinny. I hate that. I feel like going.... "take that, _l_" And I even overheard people saying that I'm skinny behind me! I'll get extremely paranoid for that. EXTREMELY.
Some didn't believe me when I told them I was once fat like a dumpling. I bang onto my mom and she'll flyyyy(exaggerating of course)! Okay I shall post up my before and after picture if I can find, kinda difficult cause taking picture was a taboo to me when I was fat. Soon okay! I'll dig out some pictures.

Will be migrating out of blogspot soon! My new blog's still in-the-making with the help of the IT peeps. Let's wait till the porting's done~


I'm hungry now, gonn' get the boy to cook me some maggi!!!


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