2) Exceptionally lazy today
3) Bye fyp1, hello fyp2. Fuck you two like seriously
4) I want a new layout for blog
5) Contemplating to go Desaru this weekend, I've to renew my passport-.-
6) The 'delete' button on my laptop comes off
7) I totally hate chipped nails(on my right hand ring finger and left middle finger_l_), it spoils my mood, for real
8) I wanna get Blackberry Bold 9000
9) Oh people I've got myself demerit 16 and able to drive now and I wanna get a car of my own. Manual cars ftw!
10) I can't see without my lenses on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11) Grey lenses are prettier than the brown ones
12) Thai clubs are the in-thing now
13) My hair is still that short:(
14) Garnier light brightening eye roll-on is naiseeeeee
15) I ❤❤❤ shopping at Daiso
16) School's vacation soon
17) I took journalism as my elective module.
18) I hate financial accounting fuck, no
19) I failed to meet my dearest Chanel again! :(
20) I've got sinus
21) I love reaaal thick falsies
22) I love my twitter background

Mosaiced! Shooo di go peks!
where did u buy ur false lashes? any indicate numbers/models? they look pretty on u.
I got my lashes from Daiso, and they are all sticked together into one. As in my lashes are like 3 layers. :)
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